Petition to Expunge a Disciplinary File and/or a Transcript Notation

Under a provision of the Code of Student Conduct, a student who has a judicial file and/or a transcript notation may petition to have the judicial file expunged or the transcript notation removed. Factors to be considered in a good cause review by the Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards or their designee include the following:

  1. The present demeanor of the petitioner
  2. The conduct of the petitioner since the violation
  3. The nature and severity of the violation
  4. The nature and severity of any damage, injury, or harm resulting from the misconduct
  5. The recommendation of the Charging Party

Student Conduct and Community Standards may request an interview with you as part of the review process.

*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Confirm E-Mail:
Campus Id:  Year of Offense, if known: 
Home Address:

*Reason to Expunge your file:

Please indicate below why you believe Student Conduct and Community Standards should expunge your file.


* = Required field. You must fill in all required fields.